Sustainability Commitments and Achievements
- Selected as a constituent stock of the FTSE4Good Index for seven consecutive
- 2022 Environmental Leap Forward Award from CDP Global Environmental Information Research Center
- Outstanding Contribution to Carbon Neutrality in the Hong Kong International Carbon Market and participation in the first batch of institutions in the new carbon market platform by Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited
- First place in “Best Environmental, Social and Governance” is Industrials Small & Midcap Sector by Institutional Investor
- Global Champion in Agriculture and Food Sector for UNIDO Global Call 2022 (O・PARK2) (CSHK)
- Low Carbon Innovation Workshop — awarded the Low Carbon Care Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) Label for seven consecutive years and the highest LEVEL 4 label rating for five consecutive years (3311) and Low Carbon Care Star Label (3311, China State Construction Engineering (Hong Kong) Limited)
- O・PARK2 — awarded the highest “Carbon Neutral” rating for Low Carbon Care Building (Material) Label and Low Carbon Care Building (Process) Label
- First recipient of the “Outstanding Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance Performance Acknowledgement Scheme” by Hong Kong Economic Times
- “Sustainability” category — Platinum award of the “Huafu Excellence Investor Relations Awards 2021”
- First recipient of the “Excellence Certificate for Environmental, Social and Governance Reporting” by the Hong Kong Management Association in 2022