Sustainability Governance

The Group is well aware of the international trends in sustainable development. In recent years, the Group has been increasing its efforts in decarbonisation, talent development, quality governance, and contribution to society, while pursuing business growth. Sustainable principles alike are integrated into the business and operations of the Group. Our fruitful achievements won the support and recognition of many parties. In the future, the Group will continue to build a society and lead the construction industry and all sectors in the value chain to leap towards a sustainable future.

Building Happiness and

Leading the Trend

Tide, born from the ocean, and

leads the ocean forward

With the guidance of China Overseas’ Leading Culture, we go together with “one country, two systems” policy and resonate with the “reform and opening-up” of China

Hong Kong-rooted, China-based. Global-oriented,
Keep going beyond, Lead the trend, Stand at the forefront

Vision and Mission

Our sustainability vision is:

“Developing into a world-class and sustainable corporation concentrating on international construction and infrastructure investment”

Our sustainability mission is:

“Leading the trend with innovation, building a life of happiness”

  • Governance Framework

    To fulfil the sustainability visions of CSCI, the Group formally established the Sustainability Committee (the “Committee”) in 2018. The Committee is responsible for coordinating the sustainability management, strategy planning and target setting of the Group. Four subcommittees, namely Operation Management, Human Resources, Social Investment and Compliance and Risks,are responsible for promoting the relevant policies and implementing the relevant measures. The Committee comprises Executive Directors and members of the senior management to ensure its decision making and execution powers.

  • Sustainability Strategy and Approach

    A sustainability strategy is the key in leading corporations to face emerging global changes and promotes full integration of sustainability in day-to-day operations. The Group is committed to creating sustainability strategies that fulfil its business development, to systematically promote each project’s development in stages, and assist decision makers in effectively reviewing the Group’s sustainability progress. These seven approaches serve as the guiding principles for the Group to develop and publish a Sustainability Policy that covers all its operations.

  • Sustainability Roadmap

    As a response to the growing global focus on sustainable development, the Group has embarked on the development of a sustainability roadmap, thereby setting its short and long-term goals. The Group's initiatives and action plans are to be implemented in phases so that the Group can review its sustainability performance and progress in a timely manner. Its sustainability approach and policies form the basis for the development of the roadmap.

  • Sustainability Commitments and Achievements

  • Stakeholder Engagement

    Stakeholder2 participation is a key component in the business management of CSCI, which helps the Group review the potential risks and business opportunities. In its day-to-day operation, the Group has always maintained open communication with internal and external stakeholders through meetings, workshops, and other events. We hope that through diverse communication channels stakeholders can understand the Group’s development and operation approaches. It also provides the Group a chance to understand their opinions and needs in order to develop therelevant policies in response and fulfill their expectations.